A combinatory problem for the final year of my degree.
The C++ program can generate 15-tile style puzzles (writing them to a file),
and calculate the number of rows and columns which can appear in order
(increment by 1 as you go right/down) of all the reachable states of the puzzle.
This is then written to a file.
What I Learnt
This was the first time I had properly tackled a combinatory puzzle,
thinking about how best go through each possible combination of tiles,
counting rows/columns which were continuous.
Also, although I had used C++ earlier in my degree,
this module was a useful refresher of the language.
1 / 6
2 / 6
3 / 6
4 / 6
5 / 6
6 / 6
C++ features involved
- Object Orientation, inc. inheritance
- C++11 features, inc. Lambda Functions
- Common design patterns, inc. factor classes
Program Outline
- The program is controlled by a main file
which handles menus and instantiation of other classes.
- A factory class is used to create/load from file Configuration classes
which store the state of a particular puzzle.
- The configuration class was extended to allow puzzles
of any rectangular size and tiles between 1-1,000,000.
- A solver class takes in a series of configuration objects to solve.
The initial idea was to walk through each of the possible states,
counting the number of continuous rows/columns,
but is was felt this would be too slow for the larger puzzle sizes,
so an equation was used instead.
- The solver then stores the solutions in a struct
to be printed to screen or written to a file.
Possible Improvements
- The problem simply concerned 2d puzzles.
As such, further work could be done to storing and solving puzzles of arbitrary dimensions.